Healthy at Hilltop

Our school community works together to keep everyone healthy at Hilltop!

We will monitor public health information and guidance to ensure the most effective policies and practices. At times, this may require adjustments. Below is an outline of how we provide a safe and healthy learning environment. Family partnership ensures our success! A detailed policy can be found in our Family Guide.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up

  • Takes place at the front door and playground.
  • Masking is currently optional for staff and families – encouraged when a household member is sick.
  • Health screening questions are completed during the sign-in process each day.
  • All who enter the building wash hands immediately upon entering the building, with teacher assistance as needed.

Throughout the Day

  • Lots of handwashing! Teachers monitor and children learn songs to encourage proper technique.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing – areas where children eat, bathroom, and activities as needed.
  • Masking for children and staff is currently optional. Support and guidance is given to children who wear masks as a part of their day. Masks are not worn during meal times, rest time or outdoor activities.

Family Partnership

  • Illness symptoms are reported promptly to an Administrator.
  • Children are healthy and ready to participate in all parts of our school day.
  • Families comply with any required quarantines or illness exclusions.