
Routines & Visual Schedules

As adults we appreciate knowing what’s coming next and organizing tasks so we can be productive. It can be just as helpful for children! There are many times in our days when we ask children to follow multiple steps or adjust to transitions. During these times consider your routine. Consistency makes a big difference! If you have a consistent routine, children can better understand your expectations and challenging behaviors are minimized. A visual schedule is a great tool to use!  

Try this at home:

  • Include your child in the creation of the visual schedule as much as possible. Let your child draw pictures or take photos of your child doing the activity. 
  • Remember that this takes practice! You will work together with your child to check the schedule for next steps… often!
  • Allow your child to move a clip or remove a picture after each step is complete; we all love to check things off our list!
  • Choose a time of day that is challenging; ie. getting ready for school, bedtime, etc.

Follow this link to learn more about how you can create and utilize routines: